
As a couple therapist, my primary role is to help partners communicate better, resolve conflicts, and deepen intimacy. Interestingly, I play an equally important role in educating couples about divorce – a service that might initially seem out of place. In my practice, clients usually come to couple therapy with
I hear a version of this phrase often. But in reality, even the most simplistic of financial situations can have a need for professional tax and financial advice. Particularly with recent tax law changes related to child tax and dependent care credits. All of which impact the average suburban family.
By Christopher M. Sprysenski In 2015, I began my journey as a collaborative divorce lawyer.  Having an already resolution-focused approach to my practice, the collaborative model just made sense.  I’ve always said that “when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” Having a neutral mental health
Colorful hands reaching
By A.J. Grossman III, J.D., LL.M., Esq. You want a divorce, are thinking of divorce, or your spouse has asked for a divorce. Now what? Since most people don’t deal with divorce every day or more than once or twice during a lifetime, it can be a mystery that produces
Orlando same-sex divorce - blue graphic
The Three Best Ways to End Your LGBT Marriage By Andrea Morgan, J.D. First off, I want to thank the same-sex and LGBT community as your hard-fought battle for equal marriage in Florida finally paid off in 2015, proving yet again that love wins. But if the words “til death
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